You CAN reclaim your life from chronic illness, anxiety, fatigue and pain.

Lori Clemmons, Wellness CoachLori Clemmons, Wellness CoachProviding Neural Retraining and Mind-Body Tools and Coaching so You CAN Reclaim Your Life

Hi, I’m Lori Clemmons.

I believe we are all unique individuals with amazing strength and resilience that have gotten us to this point in our lives. We each have our own journey and are working the best we can to navigate our path. No matter the circumstances that have happened around us, we have the ability to choose to get the most out of each and every moment from this day forward.

I'm excited to be able to offer these courses to support you on your wellness journey. Since each of us is so different, I provide a variety of courses as well as one-on-one coaching. I look forward to connecting with you, helping you to discover your goals and values, and providing you the tools that are right for you.